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Breaking Kabul 2021 august 16th [op https://media.kabul.int.igel-muc.de]

Breaking Kabul 2021 august 16th
4etherpad4people2come2europe: https://kabul.int.igel-muc.de
spiegel van-mirror of-spiegel von: https://twitter.com/hashtag/BREAKING?f=video concerning kabul
the yes men - war is all we've got: https://theyesmen.org/project/warisallyouneed concerning yesmen
logo: no one is illegal [noii]

"i do not believe in neutral journalism" [marily stroux]

We beg forgiveness on our knees from the fleeing children and peoples of Afghanistan, for the Western governments we elected, who still dare to distinguish between "them" and "us", to ask for papers when human lives are at stake.